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Minnesotan Suomi-Koulu: Classes Begin
December 17, 2022 @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
First and Third Saturdays (All in-person classes)
Central Standard Time: 10:00 am – 11:30am
Fall 2022 classes begin September 17th
Online Course: $100, additional students in the same household in the same class: $75
Littles Parent-Child in-person semester: $50
Children’s Beginner or Immersion in-person semester: $65
Adult In-Person in-person semester: $80
Scholarships are available for board members, volunteers, and on the basis of financial need. Prices listed Summer 2022 and are subject to change.
The registration process is the same for in-person and online courses. Registration is via PayPal payment to finnishschoolofmn@gmail.com. Payment equals registration.
Note that both adults and older teens may register, but please make an additional note if the student you are registering is under 18 years.
Karjalanpiirakka baking (November class time event)
Joulujuhla (December Christmas party)
Voluntary participation in Kauneimmat Joululaulut (international Christmas music event)
Laskiainen (February Sledding Day event)
Kevätjuhla (May Spring party)
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Events listed on finnsource.org are a courtesy of FinnSource, a non-profit volunteer organization. FinnSource is not responsible for inaccurate information for non-FinnSource events.