FGGMN meeting on March 11th by Zoom
VirtualThe Finnish Genealogy Group of Minnesota (FGGMN) will hold the next meeting Saturday, March 11, at 9:30 am by Zoom.
The Finnish Genealogy Group of Minnesota (FGGMN) will hold the next meeting Saturday, March 11, at 9:30 am by Zoom.
Language instruction and culturally immersive activities for beginners and higher fluency speakers for all ages the 1st and 3rd Saturdays between February 4-May 6, from 10-11:30 a.m.
Language instruction and culturally immersive activities for beginners and higher fluency speakers for all ages the 1st and 3rd Saturdays between February 4-May 6, from 10-11:30 a.m.
Language instruction and culturally immersive activities for beginners and higher fluency speakers for all ages the 1st and 3rd Saturdays between February 4-May 6, from 10-11:30 a.m.
Language instruction and culturally immersive activities for beginners and higher fluency speakers for all ages the 1st and 3rd Saturdays between February 4-May 6, from 10-11:30 a.m.
CFAHS Memorial program honors Robert Lasanen; guest speaker Katie Raisanen Bonawitz speaking on her experience as she explored Finnish education.
The Finnish School of Minnesota (Minnesota Suomi-koulu) is offering three in-person Finnish immersion language courses for all age spans this fall at Christ Lutheran Church, Minneapolis.
The Finnish School of Minnesota (Minnesota Suomi-koulu) is offering three in-person Finnish immersion language courses for all age spans this fall at Christ Lutheran Church, Minneapolis.
The Finnish School of Minnesota (Minnesota Suomi-koulu) is offering three in-person Finnish immersion language courses for all age spans this fall at Christ Lutheran Church, Minneapolis.
The Finnish School of Minnesota (Minnesota Suomi-koulu) is offering three in-person Finnish immersion language courses for all age spans this fall at Christ Lutheran Church, Minneapolis.
Events listed on finnsource.org are a courtesy of FinnSource, a non-profit volunteer organization. FinnSource is not responsible for inaccurate information for non-FinnSource events.
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